Monday 22 April 2013

Plants V Zombies: A Tribute Not a Review

Plants V Zombies (PopCap; Version 1.9.5)
Price: £0.69p

This is not going to be a review in the average sense. I am a massive fan of this game and do believe that anyone who owns an iPad, phone capable of playing this game or PC should play this game before they get too old to remember what a zombie is (Which nearly sums up all of the population who matter)

Plants Vs Zombies is a tower defence action
game that has won multiple awards for its damn fine everything. The game is quirky, very playable and will have you hooked within minutes. You play as the owner of a household being invaded by zombies with your only defence an army of wild and wonderful plants that shoot stuff.

In a massive range of levels, mini-games and adventures zombies are thrown at you with increasing difficulty and the aim is to keep them from stealing your brains and chowing down. The boss levels are hard enough to take more than one turn but not so difficult it'll have you wanting to stab yourself in the face with a compass.

The graphics are so easy to get on with for hours at a time, the animations smooth and suitable. The game is also "narrated" by the famous character "Crazy Dave". This guy is as says on the tin- pretty crazy. He will guide you through the game and every so often throw an extra mini-game in for you too keeping the game play varied and enjoyable throughout.

You can play a free demo of the game here, on the popcap website if you're not already taken- otherwise, for less than a pound you can keep everyone happy- ranging from the bouncing baby brat, up to grouchy grandma and the dog.

Salt Rating (Goes without saying)

1 comment:

  1. Where have you disappeared to? Wittiness has been replaced by absence
