Less than a week before I have to deal without internet until I get it sorted... I'm sorta hoping the people who are living there have thought about it already. I don't think they have...
Thank you Plague Girl for sending me this:
That little rabbit has it going on. You know what I want more than the rabbit? The tiny trolley. I have a thing for miniature versions of real-life things.
I squeel over Dolls' houses. Like, the big impressive proper ones that are worth thousands. Those ones.
They have tiny pork pies and they make me swoon.
I don't like rabbits much. If you make them a hutch, they still spend all their time trying to find a way out of it...
They kick too. And bite.
and no, I wasn't trying to eat it.
In other news.
I went to the pub last night with my colleagues from work to say goodbye :'( *cries*
I had an amazing night thanks to all of the wonderful people who turned up :3
In the pub we were at--- there were decorative barrels placed outside, acting as tables/ash trays. A friend, who will we know as Bat-Nav (He has his sat-nav set so that the little car on the screen is the freaking batmobile. I have the best friends.) suggested just how awesome it would be if said barrels were actually giant pop-up pirates.
Set the scene.
A drunkered, he's been mouthing off to the staff and anyone who walks past all night and he decides that the barrel is the best place for his tush to sit.
He falls asleep on the barrel, against the wall and the fun begins.
Two teams take different coloured plastic cutlasses and stick them into predetermined holes in the barrel.
When a plastic cutlass is put into the right hole.
Airborne Drunkered. Problems solved.
This practice exists. Not quite with drunkerds. Asians instead.
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