Wednesday 17 October 2012

Longleat- Possibly The Best Zoo in England, and The Most Expensive


What a magical place.

I'm going to go ahead and cut straight to the chase on this one.
[That took me a long time to write that line, I realised why. I was listening to Bon Jovi. *shudders*]

I was in Longleat with my family back in Summer. Y'know, the three days or so we had of sun this year. and on the way to see the Lions, the Clown I was with overheard a short conversation between a Mother and her (Probably 7-8 year old) Daughter. It ran sorta like this:

Daughter: "Mummy, where are the f***ing gorillas?"
Mother: "I don't know, Darling"

This makes my soul want to weep on the inside. If I were to use a word like that when I was her age (Not that I even KNEW that word when I was that age) I would have at least got a sharp talking to, if not a slap.
I'm not about to go into whether it's politically or morally correct to hit children at a young age, I completely understand both sides of the argument and also know that bringing up anything political on here is always like sending invites to Internet trolls for a slumber party. Yeesh.

As a student studying how to be a teacher today, we were running over the reasons of why we all wanted to be teachers.
We all listed similar things; Rewarding, long holidays etc.

I said it was because I diss other people's kids so much about how badly behaved they are. I want to change that.

Well, that's come to the end of this post. Short, wasn't it?
So here's some photos from the day we went to Longleat:

Aren't I just the best photographer in the world? No. I'm not - but my camera, Brutus, is the best camera in the world. No argues.

To finish up here, I would like to draw your attention quickly to my friend, Cheekbone's blog. It's about hating 50 shades, so if you're one of them, and I know you're out there. and I know you read my blog. You dirty things.

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