I became a student 3 weeks ago, and I haven't had internet for those weeks. So I do heavily apologise for not posting since then.
However. That nonsense can all come to a stop now! (Not all the nonsense, a lot of the nonsense is welcomed) because now I am a proud owner of 78Mb internet. Yum.
and 1000 channels on the tele. Doctor Who and Family Guy all round, I think.

Let me explain my title a little. I don't usuall, how novel.
I have been roughly counting since a few weeks ago, and so far- about 13 people on the university campus genuinly don't know my actual name. They know me as Batman, just as Batman. Not as anything else. I am stored in their phonebooks at Batman and when they address me, they only know to address me as Batman.
I think this is a win.
Student Cooking is not all it's cracked up to be. The first week, I lived off of the shopping my Mother helpfully did for me before I came down, the second week was a mixture of the food I had already and new stuff I had bought.
Suddenly. Something happend and it scared me.
I got this weird feeling that went on for a few days.
A feeling I've never felt before. and the feeling deepend when I came near the fruit and veg counter in Sainsburys.
I was genuinly missing fresh fruit and vegetables.
I thought "What is wrong with me?!" but none-the-less, I had to fix this issue. I went to the SPAR corner shop and went to buy some grapes.
Until you're on a strict diet of "NOT SPENDING MONEY" you don't ever think that £4 is horribly extortionate for a bunch of grapes.
Recently, however. I made this delight:
When you're a student, you eat out of saucepans to reduce washing up. That there is pasta with leeks and bacon. A good helping of bacon (4 rashers).
One day, bacon will be our currency. When the world is under my rule, and the world is right.
A few days later (Still this week, the only week I've become experimental and the gas cooker hasn't tried to kill me) I made this:
"This" is a sandwhich. believe it or not.
Consisting of a crap-tonne of salad (to quench my strange vegetable hunger), 6 rashers of cooked bacon and halloumi cheese, and some mayonaise. All on bread. It was so good. Considering I didn't have anything to eat the first part of the day, I had this at about 3pm, I haven't been hungry since :3
I think that just about does it for a "welcome back" post. Expect more. I have another story already, but this one is pretty long o_o
Goodbye, and thanks for all the pasta. With salt.
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