Wednesday 24 October 2012

Lazy Post is Lazy. But Funny.

I found this on the internet the other day, whilst scanning. I am only posting things that make me genuinly laugh out loud. More story-like posts to come.
I apologise for the laziness of this post.

Evil, flying purple monkeys from space have stolen a segment of my brain and I'm trying to get it back...

On the upside, I went out drinking the other night. Did you know, if you pay for one pizza... you get two?
I don't know how that works either.

In other news: The new MUSE Album, 2nd Law?  Wonderful. Go and buy it immediately.

£1 Comics are the best, as is Steve, the comic book store owner. I don't usually like to use people's real names in my blog (You may have noticed; Goff, Clown, Plague-Girl, Cheekbone etc etc) but this guys' name is much too legendary to cover. Besides, he owns a comic book shop. Don't be jealous. Wait. Do. Do be jealous. (He has a friend who builds ironman costumes) be ENTIRELY jealous.

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