I've contracted a HORRIBLE DISEASE from a clown. It's the flu. It's horrible. I've been sat in bed all day with only my snot bubbles for company. They're quite cute, really.
Anyway, down to business. Sweet, sweet business.

I went to Bristol a few weeks ago for the first time, perhaps in my life. And fell across Nelson Street.
After getting lost I found a popup shop called "SeeNoEvil" It intrigued me, its name and its stock. So I went in and had a look around. I ended up buying some fantastic bits of art by a guy called Peter Parker. So it's not only cool because they're good art. They were also drawn by Spiderman.
After getting into a long discussion with the owner of the shop (He was a graffitti artist, he had a LOT to say) I found out that Nelson street is the largest area dedicated to Graffitti in the whole of Europe. And to think, I just stumbled across it when I was lost. How typical of me.
Here's some more graffitti you can find down that street too. Isn't it beautiful?
I had a long discussion with the man in "SeeNoEvil" about whether it was art or just dirt, or destruction.
Comment where you stand if you have any strong feelings.
This photograph here. Is taken of the bathroom door in my house. I don't know if it's clear what's happened here, but the little black dot on the door is a black hole that has obviously been created by the "Door stop" on the wall on the left.
Don't ask me how I got this photograph. Just laugh at the fact that clearly, at some point (Not since I've lived here) Someone has needed to visit the toilet SO much, they threw the door open so hard that the "door stop" didn't stop the door.

So I think this post has had enough writing and photographs for one post.
Thank you, Penguin for pushing me into finally publishing this beast.
Next Post: Call me, Maybe?
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