6 Days until I move out of the family home and go and be myself in a house without my mummy.
Oh. Lord.
I have to cook, clean and try not to get ill all by myself. Oh lord.
I think I've nearly finished packing just today. Got the rest of the loose "Stuff" into bags so when the day comes, I can throw it into the car and just go.
Yesterday, I was routing around in my room looking for other bits to take with me and I found a piece of creative writing I did a few years ago about global warming.
This is what I had the balls to present to my tutor:
"So scientists have us all running around like headless chickens over the weather? It hardly
sounds like anaything to be worried about, does it? Warmer summers and colder winters? I say "roll out the suntan lotion and bring on the blankets!"
Tree huggers and environmentalists are choosing now to have a go at us all for using too much energy and producing too much
green house gas, but if this is really going to end the world and we're all going to die simply because a few of us leave our lights on when we go out,
why didn't we see it coming? and
why- with all of these
"Advances in technology" that keep popping up, can we not tell how to fit is lickety-split? I think these scientists are making a hefty profit over something they don't truly know about. So yes, they've been doing research and noticed that "as the population has grown, so has the number of cars and so has the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere..." It seems quite obvious to me that it has come a little
If we "act" now (Whatever that means) in the proposed ways we would only make things more difficult for everyone and thus make their lives more miserable.
Should we really be punished for having fun and trying to make the most of our lives? (Again, if they can look that far forward why were we not warned about this bio-apocolypse) by which time most of the government will be dead and buried. Where they should be, if you ask me.
Let's look at a very recent way which Government is trying to cut down landfill sites. Recycling bins at every home.
Ok, one green box for cans and a big black ordinary rubbish bin for everything else.
Right, now a purple one as well for cardboard?
And, I don't know about anyone else, but I have other, better things to do with my life than sit and tear the windows out of my envelopes.
Oh and now there's a new one! A pretty turquoise one for cooked and uncooked food. But it has a buddy too! One little silver one to sit and stink-up your kitchen whilst your festering food is waiting to be colelcted. A fail to the Government on that one, I think...
So "Friends of the Earth", You propose with enough support you can bring laws in to reduce carbon emmissions and stop climate change/ But hang on, you already know what carbon emissions are linked to... So will I have to start walking the 2.7 miles between my house and school every morning or will my teachers have to cycle to work at 5:30am?

I don't think this is fair, do you? That we, the good innocent people , should now have to suffer for the resources we used without thinking because we thought (Stupidly, clearly) that that's what Government were paid way-too-many pounds a year to tell us?! Should it be our problem? Is that selfish? Maybe it is, but if life isn't for enjoying to the best of your ability, which may include leaving your phone on charge over-night, they what is it for?
Let's stand together, as a unied nation. Don't pay me £3 a month to pass some more rules that will make our lives hell. Continue to live your life as you were before "Climate Change", before we were all in fear of dying from leaving our teles on standby and have fun!
Because life is too short to have time wasted tearing windows out of envelopes. Life is too short to have time owed to you by old men in suits who get paid too much to drink whisky, have affairs with their PAs and claim money on a house they don't even live in (Don't get me started on that)
So as they say in the military (Another story, for another time)
As you were, men!
P.S I blame it all on the farting cows. Bloody methane machines."
So apparently, me a few years ago had no real idea of what was going on, but appreciated that tearing windows out of envelopes was a waste of time. Wonderful.