Friday 14 September 2012

I Touched Derek Landy. No Jokes.

Yesterday, I spent between 7pm and 11:20pm at Waterstones in Guildford meeting the genius behind Skullduggery Pleasant, Derek Landy.

The demi-god himself gave a really lengthy chat about himself. It was wonderful.

The only downside was the fact that I had to share my personal space with about 60 12-13 year olds. Me and The Clown I went with were the oldest ones there who didn't have children.

You'll see from the next pictures. I went in my ankle-length trench.
I'm pretty sure I heard one of the boy-children sitting near me ask his father "Daddy, is that what Death looks like?" and he just replied "Yes, Son. Yes it is"

See? Proof. I touched him.

and I swear I wasn't holding a gun to the back of his neck either o-o

This next picture was taken for the bum who lives in my attic. I'm not sure why I do so much for that guy... I don't particularly like him up there. He keeps tampering with the light fittings which make them cover me in electrical confetti when I turn on the ceiling-lights. I know it's him because every time it happens, you can hear feint laughter from above.

Anyway, he asked (On a paper aeroplane) for a photograph of my fist-bumping the man. So here it is:

Look at how cool we are.

So the last thing I wanted to draw your attention to was the fact that me and the clown were on Waterstone's twitter feed because we were the last fans to wait.

1 comment:

  1. This would be me if I ever got the chance to meet Darren Shan surrounded by children and their parents and me not giving a damn.
