I didn't know that these laws EVER existed but now I do... WHAT.
That's a horrible idea! I heard lots of horrible stories about people going on holiday and coming back to find that they had squatters eating their food and using their toothbrushes to clean their feet. Ok they didn't say that, but I thought it and it probably happened.
The ONLY people they could find to stick up for the homeless was one homeless squatter (Who probably ate her own weight in, and was very grateful for, the complimentary biscuits in Radio 2's greenroom) and a woman who works for a homeless charity.
The homeless woman worked as some sort of "poet".. on the streets of London and used the excuse that her job was very "Unpredictable" and that her income was the same so she couldn't afford to live in a fixed accomodation (Fixed, clearly meaning belonging to her)
To be honest, get a proper job. You are a homeless bum and you shouldn't have the right to, nor should anyone have the right to, live in anyone elses home that they haven't given permission to do so. If you have permission, you are a guest and that is perfectly fine. If you are a lodger, you should have a contract. The subject did crop up that now these laws have been abolished, what happens if;
You are a lodger. Before you moved in, you were good friends with the landlord and he lets you move in for minimal money. One day, you use his toothbrush by accident when you come in late one night.... You forget to tell him and the next morning he finds some debris that clearly isn't from his mouth... He calls the police and tells them you're a squatter that he has found living in his property and wants you removed and arrested. It has nothing to do with your lodging, it was because of the toothbrush. You know that some people are like that...
So what would you do?
Well, much like the difference between Bear Grylls and Ray Mears. Bear Grylls is all about getting out of crazy situations if you do shit wrong. You do not want to aspire to be Bear Grylls.
Ray Mears shows you ways of staying OUT of said ridiculous situations. You want to do things the Ray-Way.

Consider you all warned. Luckily, it looks as though finally, the government are on the home-owners side when it comes to homeless living in your house. They will lock them up and demand they get a job and stop trying to live for free.
To be honest. If they're homeless... they should love jail... Free food, lighting, bed. What more could you want? Squat away, peeps.