Friday 17 August 2012

The New World Of Warcraft Theatrical Trailer

I didn't want to spoil my oppinion of this in the title.

World of Warcraft- the game that would scare a girl more if her boyfriend said he played it than it would if he tried to take a shit while she was in the shower. and flush.

It's been over-succesful because England is chuck-full of lonely basement-bound geeks who have nothing better to do than to learn Elvish, eat pizza, play on the internet and look at the odd pair of boobies.

This new expansion pack has been titled "Mists of Pandaria"
Yes. It's exactly what it sounds like. 

Can someone PLEASE explain to me why on EARTH they chose, out of any film, Kung Fu Panda to base their new expansion on?!

It's got everything. It's got the fat panda, the blossom blowing in the wind, the "Fighting for food is worth it"

In the scene after the video finishes, he goes home to his adoptive father who happens to be a goose.

"No kungfupanda!" I hear Blizzard entertainment shout.

"ALL the kungfupanda" is my only response.

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