Wednesday 15 August 2012

Somebody Tell Me What's Going On

This. This was lunch.


I went from Double XL Sandwich for breakfast to having something vaguely healthy for lunch. What o.e
I felt so wrong buying these salad-y things I genuinely contemplated popping to McDonalds [Link to kidney-stealing clown] to pick up a 99p Burger to balance it out. As you can see, no such joyous thing happened.

I'm fortunately and ungratefully about to tell you how it tasted.
At first I felt it was a good move, full of fibre, protein and all of those other good things that scientists keep blarbling on about us needing during the day. I think I consumed a few of my 5 a days without tropicana and the pesto was a nice foreign taste for a lunch in the office.
However. After the twentieth bite of pasta and basil- my tastebuds got bored and my brain turned off. It was pretty bland after a while and I just--- I won't be doing it again any time soon.

Mission Salad was a failure.

Still better than soup.
ARGH SOUP. What a horrible thing. It's NOT food, you can't eat it. It's a liquid. It doesn't fill you up but it doesn't quench your thirst either. How crappy.
Give me a thick wholesome soup, that smells like gravy and has bits of bread and chicken in it big enough to sap up all of the liquid bit and THEN I'll eat it. And I don't even think that counts as soup anymore.

Hate you, Soup. [Whilst googling "Angry soup" to find a suitable link to pop there. I found the link that is currently there. I can't--- what is that?! I don't even....(Warning: Foul language on link)]

On the upside, I found out that The Real Tuesday Weld  did the music for the PS3 game LA Noire.
How wonderful ^^

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