Sunday 8 July 2012

Jealous of a moth? You will be.

Oh what a glorious thing to be, an atlas moth or a busy busy bee.

Mostly an atlas moth though. These guys are amazing. After a recent conversation with the fountain of knowledge I've been lead to believe is my sister- I found out that these guys lead possibly the best lives in the world. As a child, they eat. And eat. And eat. And then eat some more. They're not the prettiest things in the world. Actually- they're pretty hideous.
In the words of my dear sister "Well hello there, handsome"

and after they've lead a short lifetime with only one purpose: to eat. They then curl up in a warm casing and sleep. They sleep in every morning, take some time in the afternoon to doze off and then sleep at night a healthy lot of hours. And when they wake up they turn into these gorgeous buggers:

 Jealous yet? You will be. When these guys wake up. They spend the rest of their lifetime floating about a bit, just to have some casual sex, make some hot-winged butters preggers and then they sit down. For the rest of their life. That's right, they pootle about, have sex, sit down and stay there.

I don't know about you, but I've been enlightened.

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