Sunday 8 July 2012

Just Some Brain Vomit

=Warning! Brain Vomit* Ahead=

*Brain vomit is my term for a post or any written material on something that is personal and doesn't effect anyone but myself. But might be entertaining to read anyway.

So tomorrow is going to be full of new experiences for me.
First off- it's the first Monday in weeks that I'm going to have to be up before 12pm. That's not the hard bit. The hard bit is that recently I've been applying to a large handful of internships and apprenticeships. The first person to reply has been the CEO of the huge social network website [check it out] He emailed me with both his personal and work skype addresses and wants to talk to me about the internship position tomorrow at 11am. Setting up this meeting was VERY brief and now I'm worried he meant in person. As opposed to on skype. If he does, he's going to be sorely dissapointed with my--- absence.
Anyway- How on earth am I supposed to compose myself? I am quite a bouncy, usually spotaneous and outlandish person and suddenly I'm expected to be a very professional being with a smart sense of humour and a liking for skirts, whisky and office supplies.
Luckily for me, having a job in a stationers and being MUCH too enthusiastic about my job, I have the latter but I hate skirts with a passion and my sense of humour has been described as anything but "smart" in the past.

So wish me luck as I try and be someone who I'm not before I can justify being a bit different. I would say "I don't like being a sheep" but-- that would be a lie. I mean that fluff is just top class. So instead, fitting with the metaphor. I don't like to be a fish. They follow eachother the same way but are smelly, and--- sometimes taste better and are less social.
A sheep once wiped its snotty nose on me. Did I freak out and scream? No.
My eyes went wide and I nearly cried with cute.

Yes, I am good friends with my insanity. Thanks for asking. You didn't ask? Like hell you didn't. I heard you.

So the next new thing, a bit better is that I've managed to double-book myself. Nearly. I've agreed to meet a work colleague at 12, so if I run over with Glopho-man I'm definitely going to be late. and then in the evening I'm meeting a friend I've never met before but have known for a few months now ^.^ I hope he doesn't turn out to actually be a mop, like last time.... That got awkward. Wondered why he didn't return my calls....

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