Wednesday 18 July 2012

Professor Peanut.

Good news everyone!
*Stop reading this is in Farnsworth's voice*

I have been invited up to the Glopho offices in London to go and meet the team [The internship I signed up for]. Exciting. I think that means I impressed Founder-man. However, I did just have to look up how I'm going to get there. and it's official. GOOGLE MAPS. YOU SUCK. It had no idea where I wanted to go and didn't even know there was a station in Chiswick park. Then when I asked for directions from there, it gave me a completely random spot in Chiswick. So after feeling accomplished at working out a route, I late found that I had a completely different [However, much shorter] route to figure out instead. I am excited but I know I'm going to get lost.

In other news.
R.I.P Mr Peanut.
Mr Peanut was one of my friend's driving buddies. He was a friend, a dashboard-fiend and we'll never forget the way he did the hula as we did speed-bumps holding onto his saxophone for dear life. Novelty toys make my life. This one will be saltly missed.

Work Experience finished tomorrow :( Going to miss being a stand-in vet nurse. But the people were lovely and I saw both the highlights [The vets dog remembering me from about a month ago] and the lowlights [Seeing three animals being put to sleep] and understand how if you want that job you have to REALLY want that job.

Going to see Spiderman with Goff and a south african bean tomorrow ^^ For the second time. I love it.

This isn't Mr Peanut. It's just a sad peanut. A grieving peanut.

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