Sunday 8 July 2012

The Donut of Dreams

You'll find a lot of food on this blog.
This Donut--- deserves its own post.
It was the best donut known to man. THE BEST.
I got it when I went to the beach with the rest of the pack. We sat and watched some dudes with boards on the sea with kites. Who came up with that sport? I can only imagine the thought process:
"It'd be cool to fly. Cool to be FREEZING cold, and soaring through the air for about 3 seconds before crashing down into freezing sea"
To be fair, it was pretty impressive to watch. When they landed properly. There was one guy out there who hadn't got the same level of experience as the others. He crashed back down, face first, and his kite got all soggy and wouldn't catch the wind. I imagined he felt the same feeling normal people with normal hobbies feel when we try and strut past someone who is looking- and we trip over. Mortification to the highest standard. The worst part? We will dwell on that trip ALL day, possibly even longer than that. When the people who saw us trip would have forgotten about it completely hours ago. We're so silly.

So here's that donut:

 Yeah, that's a jubilee cupcake back there. Apparently that was pretty tasty too. I had two of those bad boys while I was there. For tea. Because tea is good when it's fried dough coated in chocolate *dribbles* DAMN THAT PHOTO. Now I need one :(

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